Catherine Zeta-Jones

This is a rough sketch that I did about two years ago in preparation for a watercolour painting of the wonderful Catherine. I wish I could share the actual painting but it's mounted in a frame, so that's out... but I thought this little sketch was kind of interesting... hope you like it!

In my opinion, Catherine is one of the greatest actresses in movies, and now I can happily say that she is also an Oscar winner!!! She recently won the award for Best Supporting Actress in Chicago- which I just have to say is my favourite movie OF ALL TIMES, bar none, no exceptions---I have never been more inspired by anything as I have been by this movie. And by that I mean the writing/acting/singing, not the killing part LOL. Anyways CZJ was my hands-down favourite in the movie- she did a great acting job and HOLY COW CAN SHE SING! I'm so glad she is getting the accolades that she so richly deserves!