Lena Olin

New and Improved!!! LOL
See the one I did before, I was looking off a picture in a mag that was about 2" by 3"....it was really hard to notice the details but I did the best I could...but looking at it recently I just wasn't happy with it, so I found a full-size picture of the same image and gave it another shot...I think this one turned out better, and I hope you agree!!!
If this is your first time seeing this page, Lena of course plays Irina Derevko on my favourite show, Alias!!! She has also been in countless movies such as Chocolat, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Ignition, and Mr. Jones. She is also appearing in 3 movies coming out within the next year or so: The United States of Leland, Hollywood Homicide, and The Swedish Job. Lena is a phenomenal actress and in fact is one of my very top favourites[second only to Robin Christopher of course :)]!!!!